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Pain relief in infants aged 2 months +
Treatment of mild to moderate pain, cold and flu.
Children: up to 4 times daily and not more frequently than every 4 hours.
4-6 years: 10ml up to four times a day.
2-4 years: 7.5ml up to four times a day.
6-24 months: 5ml up to four times a day.
3-6 months: 2.5ml up to four times a day.
2-3 months: a 2.5ml dose, followed by a second dose 4-6 hours later if
required, may be given for fever following vaccination at 2 months. The same
two doses may be given for other causes of fever or mild to moderate pain
provided the infant weighs over 4kg and was not born before 37 weeks.
Medical advice should be sought if further doses are needed or if cause of pain or fever
is not known.
Also available in the original sugar-containing formula and in a
sugar-free colour-free formula.
Room temperature
Paracetamol 120mg